ArcGIS 10 Released


From their blog, ESRi announced new coming of ArcGIS 10, available for download start from June, 29th

i quote it for you :

ArcGIS 10 download available Monday June 28th Tuesday June 29th 2010

ArcGIS 10 is now available! I’m really excited about this release and all the new and improved features.

For the first time, ArcGIS will be available as a download which will reduce the packaging waste and the delay due to production and shipping. In the United States, maintenance contacts will receive information by e-mail on how they can download ArcGIS 10 for their organization. They may also contact Esri Customer Service at 888-377-4575; outside the United States, customers should contact their local Esri office

yeah, and it seems they forgot to release Service pack 2 for ArcGIS 9.3.1 (too thrilled with their new product heh)

waiting for download and of course FIX a.k.a vitamins, hehehehehe

cheers , LORDI

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