IDRISI , Another Remote Sensing Software

IDRISI Taiga is an integrated GIS and Image Processing software solution providing nearly 300 modules for the analysis and display of digital spatial information. IDRISI offers the most extensive set of GIS and Image Processing tools in the industry in a single, affordable package. With IDRISI, all analytical features come standard—there is no need to buy costly add-ons to extend your research capabilities.

Taiga have some great capabilities, such as :

1. a complete GIS analysis package for basic and advanced spatial analysis, including tools for surface and statistical analysis, decision support, and change and time series analysis;

2. a complete Image Processing system with the most extensive hard and soft classifers in the industry, including machine learning classifiers such as neural networks and classification tree analysis, as well as image segmentation for classification;

3. integrated modeling environments including the Earth Trends Modeler for image time series of environmental trends and Land Change Modeler for land change analysis and prediction, a critical component for REDD projects;

4. complete utilities for import and export along with a comprehensive set of documentation and tutorials.


IDRISI is remote sensing product from Clark Labs, Based within the world-renowned Graduate School of Geography at Clark University, Clark Labs is known for pioneering advancements in areas such as decision support, uncertainty management, classifier development, change and time series analysis, and dynamic modeling. Partnering with such organizations as The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation,, USDA, the United Nations and Conservation International, Clark Labs leverages its academic base to develop innovative and customized research tools, provide software solutions to organizations in need and apply geospatial expertise to a range of real-world problems.

nice product for an alternative remote sensing software, although not wide spread like other software (ERDAS, ENVI) but Idrisi should be high on your list of possible solutions. cheers

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