Bing Maps V8 Web Control Diluncurkan

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  • #8228

      setelah beberapa bulan preview akhirnya Bing Maps versi 8 telah diluncurkan :

      berikut fiturnya

      New Map Styles – A Greyscale and Dark map styles, which are better suited for data visualization in business intelligence type scenarios.
      Spatial Geometry Math – Calculate intersections and union shapes. Generate convex and concave hulls, Voronoi diagrams and much more.
      TypeScript definitions – TypeScript is an excellent programming language when developing large scale web apps. In fact, we used TypeScript to develop Bing Maps V8. We will be making the TypeScript definitions available so you can easily use Bing Maps V8 in your TypeScript app.
      Data Binning Layer – Data binning, also known as hex binning, is a common type of data visualization that is used in charts. However, when used with maps, it provides an engaging visualization that combines the power of heat maps and clustering.
      Image filters – In addition to having two new map styles you can also apply image filters against the base maps as well to customize the map to look the way you want.
      Export Map as an Image – Being able to visualize your data on a map is great, but this feature makes it easy to share an image of that map with others. Add it to a report, email it, or put it in a presentation.

      untuk memulai Bing Map 8 ini dapat mengakses :

      SDK interaktif di link ini :

      Dokumentasi MSDN

      selain itu terdapat pengumuman deprecation untuk versi Bing Maps v6.3 and Silverlight control pada 30 November 2016 dan Bing Maps v7 control/SOAP Web Services akan pensiun pada 30 Juni 2017

      links untuk migrasi

      dari Bing Maps 6.3

      dari Bing Maps 7.0


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